
Visa-Exempt Entry

Foreign Nationals Eligible For Visa-Exempt Entry
  • The nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, which permits a duration of stay up to 90 days: Andorra, Australia (effective from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2017), Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Poland, Paraguay, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Vatican City State
  • The nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, which permits a duration of stay up to 30 days: Belize, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Malaysia, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Singapore.
  • Nationals of the Kingdom of Thailand (effective from August 1, 2016, to July 31, 2018), except those holding diplomatic or official/service passports, are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 30 days.
  • Nationals of Brunei (effective from August 1, 2016, to July 31, 2018), except those holding diplomatic or official/service passports, are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 30 days. In addition, effective from December 1, 2016, to July 31, 2018, those holding a Brunei Certificate of Identity are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 30 days.
  • Passport must remain validity of at least six months as of the date of entry.
    • Visa-exempt entry only applies to foreign visitors holding formal passports (i.e., ordinary, official/service and diplomatic passports). Those holding emergency, temporary, or other informal passports or travel documents are not eligible, with the exception of those holding a Brunei Certificate of Identity.
    • Japanese nationals whose passport has remaining validity of more than three months are eligible for visa-exempt entry.
    • US passport holders – including those holding emergency passports – whose passport is valid for the intended period of stay are eligible for visa-exempt entry.
  • Confirmed return air/sea ticket or an air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure
  • Not determined by immigration officers at ports of entry in Taiwan to be otherwise inadmissible

Visitor Visas

Eligible Persons
  • Foreign nationals, who hold ordinary passports or other legal travel documents and who intend to stay in Taiwan for no more than six months for the purposes of transit; tour; visit relatives; undertake visits; undertake inspection tours; attend international conferences; conduct business; pursue short-term study; undertake short-term employment; undertake short-term missionary work; and engage in other activities in Taiwan as approved by MOFA.
  • A passport valid for at least six months
  • A duly completed application form with two photos taken within the past six months
  • An outbound airline ticket or verifiable proof of purchase of steamship ticket
  • Documents verifying the purpose of visit
  • Other relevant documents

Landing Visas

Countries eligible for Landing Visas
  • Holders of Bruneian passport with validity of more than six months
  • Holders of Turkish passport with validity of more than six months
  • Holders of Macedonian passport with validity of more than six months
  • Holders of emergency or temporary passports with validity more than six months for nationals of those countries (execpt for US) eligible for visa-exempt entry
  • A confirmed return air/sea ticket or an air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure
  • Fill out an application form with two photos
  • Visa fee of NT$ 1,600 (citizens of the countries with reciprocal agreements shall be issued visas gratis) plus a handling fee of NT$ 800; For Turkish citizens: shall only be charged a handling fee of NT$800
  • No criminal record or not prohibited by the local authorities


  • Nationals of the following countries are eligible for an eVisa when they meet relevant criteria: Belize, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Columbia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Kiribati, Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Nicaragua, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Turkey, and Tuvalu .
  • Furthermore, foreign nationals who have been invited to attend international conferences or activities in Taiwan – organized, co-organized, or sponsored by central government agencies or certain nongovernmental organizations – are also eligible for an eVisa. Such applicants must obtain an e-code from their host organizations in Taiwan prior to applying for an eVisa.
Requirements & Procedures
  • eVisa applicants must possess an ordinary, official, or diplomatic passport with validity of at least six months as of the date of intended entry into Taiwan.
  • To obtain an eVisa, applicants must submit relevant personal information and pay the required fee by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) online. ROC overseas missions may, depending on the applicant’s nationality and purpose of visit, request through email that the applicant submit additional documents within a specific timeframe. If these documents are not submitted by the given deadline, the application may be denied.
  • When an eVisa application has been approved, the applicant will receive a notice by email containing a webpage link to download and print the eVisa. The eVisa holder is required to present a paper copy of the eVisa at the immigration checkpoint for verification by the National Immigration Agency upon the arrival in Taiwan. However, immigration officers at ports of entry in Taiwan have the right to deny entry to eVisa holders without providing further explanation.

Detailed Information about VISA

Please contact your travel agent, local consular, or visit Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TAIWAN

Invitation Letter

If you need an invitation letter, please contact the registration chair Prof. Charles C.N. Wang.

Bootstrap Example

Visas for China (PRC) Participates

  • 臺灣核發: 大陸人士入台許可證(如資料完整,約5-7個工作天)
  • 中國核發: 大陸人民往來臺灣通行證+簽注
  • 大陸人士入台許可證

  • 申請資格:
    1. 年滿二十歲及戶籍地於:北京、上海、廈門、天津、重慶、南京、廣州、杭州、成都、濟南、西安、福州、深圳、瀋陽、鄭州、武漢、蘇州、寧波、青島、石家莊、長春、合肥、長沙、南寧、昆明、泉州、哈爾濱、太原、南昌、貴陽、大連、無錫、溫州、中山、煙臺、漳州、海口、呼和浩特、蘭州、銀川、常州、惠州、威海、桂林、徐州、舟山及龍岩等47個城市
    2. 二十歲以上在學學生
      • 應具備目前就讀學校之學生證或在學證明
    3. 二十歲以下在學學生
      • 應具備目前就讀學校之學生證或在學證明及直系血親尊親屬同意書
  • 申請資料:
    1. 申請書
    2. 大陸居民往來臺灣地區通行證(需七個月以上有效期) 與 個人旅遊簽注頁(簽註事由為G) 複印件
    3. 大陸居民身份證及申請人全戶戶口卡複印件
    4. 彩色2吋相片(白底)
    5. 緊急聯絡人資料:緊急聯絡人以已成年親屬擔任為原則,申請時請一併檢附緊急聯絡人之居民身分證影本及親屬關係證明文件影本
    6. 財力證明正本
  • 申請人為年滿二十歲者,需提供以下證明文件之一:
    1. 相當新台幣二十萬元以上(建議人民幣五萬元以上)之銀行或金融機構存款證明或最近一個月內帳戶流水單每筆交易金額須超過五萬元(須蓋有銀行或金融機構章戳)。存款證明為必須存達1個月以上。(金額存入日要申請辦正當日前一個月存日)
    2. 大陸銀行或或金融機構開立核發金卡等級以上信用卡,(如金卡(Gold)、白金卡(Platinum)、無限卡(Infinite)之證明文件,或信用卡(正反面;信用卡背面需簽上客人親筆簽名)彩色掃瞄電子檔。
    3. 年工資所得相當新台幣五十萬以上 (建議人民幣十三萬以上) 之薪資所得證明。
      • 最近三年內曾附財力證明申請來台自由行,停留台灣期間沒有違規或不法情事,再次申請來台自由行時,可免再附相關財力證明。(需無不良紀錄者)
    4. 學生證影本
      • 申請人為十八歲以上學生,需附學生證影本或在學證明正本,未滿二十歲者另需加附直系血親親屬同意書,未滿二十歲需加附父母同意書。
  • 申請資料:
    1. 申請書
    2. 白色背景正面半身彩色照片2張 (彩色掃描JPG檔案)
    3. 大陸身分證正反面影本(複印件) 及 護照影本 (彩色掃描JPG檔案)
    4. 單位在學/在職證明影本(複印件) (需蓋上大小章)
    5. 團體名冊(二人以上始需檢附)
  • 重要提醒


  • 若貴賓要以『直航方式』來台,則必需拿入台證去國台辦『立項報批』及申請『大陸居民往來臺灣通行證』,各省份時間不盡相同,約一個月以上。 合計辦證時間(直航),在不補件情況下,約需要二個月的申請時程;若是以港、澳中轉來台,與會貴賓在申請好『個人多次港澳通行證後』,只需等待臺灣方面入台證下證後即可。
  • Invitation Letter

    If you need an invitation letter, please contact the registration chair Prof. Charles C.N. Wang.

    Visa-Exempt Entry

    Foreign Nationals Eligible For Visa-Exempt Entry
    • The nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, which permits a duration of stay up to 90 days: Andorra, Australia (effective from January 1, 2015, to December 31, 2017), Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Poland, Paraguay, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and Vatican City State
    • The nationals of the following countries are eligible for the visa exemption program, which permits a duration of stay up to 30 days: Belize, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Malaysia, Saint Christopher and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Singapore.
    • Nationals of the Kingdom of Thailand (effective from August 1, 2016, to July 31, 2018), except those holding diplomatic or official/service passports, are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 30 days.
    • Nationals of Brunei (effective from August 1, 2016, to July 31, 2018), except those holding diplomatic or official/service passports, are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 30 days. In addition, effective from December 1, 2016, to July 31, 2018, those holding a Brunei Certificate of Identity are eligible for the visa exemption program, with a duration of stay of up to 30 days.
    • Passport must remain validity of at least six months as of the date of entry.
      • Visa-exempt entry only applies to foreign visitors holding formal passports (i.e., ordinary, official/service and diplomatic passports). Those holding emergency, temporary, or other informal passports or travel documents are not eligible, with the exception of those holding a Brunei Certificate of Identity.
      • Japanese nationals whose passport has remaining validity of more than three months are eligible for visa-exempt entry.
      • US passport holders – including those holding emergency passports – whose passport is valid for the intended period of stay are eligible for visa-exempt entry.
    • Confirmed return air/sea ticket or an air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure
    • Not determined by immigration officers at ports of entry in Taiwan to be otherwise inadmissible

    Visitor Visas

    Eligible Persons
    • Foreign nationals, who hold ordinary passports or other legal travel documents and who intend to stay in Taiwan for no more than six months for the purposes of transit; tour; visit relatives; undertake visits; undertake inspection tours; attend international conferences; conduct business; pursue short-term study; undertake short-term employment; undertake short-term missionary work; and engage in other activities in Taiwan as approved by MOFA.
    • A passport valid for at least six months
    • A duly completed application form with two photos taken within the past six months
    • An outbound airline ticket or verifiable proof of purchase of steamship ticket
    • Documents verifying the purpose of visit
    • Other relevant documents

    Landing Visas

    Countries eligible for Landing Visas
    • Holders of Bruneian passport with validity of more than six months
    • Holders of Turkish passport with validity of more than six months
    • Holders of Macedonian passport with validity of more than six months
    • Holders of emergency or temporary passports with validity more than six months for nationals of those countries (execpt for US) eligible for visa-exempt entry
    • A confirmed return air/sea ticket or an air/sea ticket and a visa for the next destination, and a confirmed seat reservation for departure
    • Fill out an application form with two photos
    • Visa fee of NT$ 1,600 (citizens of the countries with reciprocal agreements shall be issued visas gratis) plus a handling fee of NT$ 800; For Turkish citizens: shall only be charged a handling fee of NT$800
    • No criminal record or not prohibited by the local authorities


    • Nationals of the following countries are eligible for an eVisa when they meet relevant criteria: Belize, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Columbia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Ecuador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Kiribati, Macedonia, Marshall Islands, Nauru, Nicaragua, Palau, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Sao Tome and Principe, Solomon Islands, Swaziland, Turkey, and Tuvalu .
    • Furthermore, foreign nationals who have been invited to attend international conferences or activities in Taiwan – organized, co-organized, or sponsored by central government agencies or certain nongovernmental organizations – are also eligible for an eVisa. Such applicants must obtain an e-code from their host organizations in Taiwan prior to applying for an eVisa.
    Requirements & Procedures
    • eVisa applicants must possess an ordinary, official, or diplomatic passport with validity of at least six months as of the date of intended entry into Taiwan.
    • To obtain an eVisa, applicants must submit relevant personal information and pay the required fee by credit card (Visa or MasterCard) online. ROC overseas missions may, depending on the applicant’s nationality and purpose of visit, request through email that the applicant submit additional documents within a specific timeframe. If these documents are not submitted by the given deadline, the application may be denied.
    • When an eVisa application has been approved, the applicant will receive a notice by email containing a webpage link to download and print the eVisa. The eVisa holder is required to present a paper copy of the eVisa at the immigration checkpoint for verification by the National Immigration Agency upon the arrival in Taiwan. However, immigration officers at ports of entry in Taiwan have the right to deny entry to eVisa holders without providing further explanation.

    Detailed Information about VISA

    Please contact your travel agent, local consular, or visit Bureau of Consular Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, TAIWAN

    Invitation Letter

    If you need an invitation letter, please contact the local arrangement co-chair Prof. Chao-Liang Liu. (Email:

    Visas for China (PRC) Participates

    • 臺灣核發: 大陸人士入台許可證(如資料完整,約5-7個工作天)
    • 中國核發: 大陸人民往來臺灣通行證+簽注


    • 申請資格:
    1. 年滿二十歲及戶籍地於:北京、上海、廈門、天津、重慶、南京、廣州、杭州、成都、濟南、西安、福州、深圳、瀋陽、鄭州、武漢、蘇州、寧波、青島、石家莊、長春、合肥、長沙、南寧、昆明、泉州、哈爾濱、太原、南昌、貴陽、大連、無錫、溫州、中山、煙臺、漳州、海口、呼和浩特、蘭州、銀川、常州、惠州、威海、桂林、徐州、舟山及龍岩等47個城市
    2. 二十歲以上在學學生
      • 應具備目前就讀學校之學生證或在學證明
    3. 二十歲以下在學學生
      • 應具備目前就讀學校之學生證或在學證明及直系血親尊親屬同意書
    • 申請資料:
    1. 申請書
    2. 大陸居民往來臺灣地區通行證(需七個月以上有效期) 與 個人旅遊簽注頁(簽註事由為G) 複印件
    3. 大陸居民身份證及申請人全戶戶口卡複印件
    4. 彩色2吋相片(白底)
    5. 緊急聯絡人資料:緊急聯絡人以已成年親屬擔任為原則,申請時請一併檢附緊急聯絡人之居民身分證影本及親屬關係證明文件影本
    6. 財力證明正本
    • 申請人為年滿二十歲者,需提供以下證明文件之一:
    1. 相當新台幣二十萬元以上(建議人民幣五萬元以上)之銀行或金融機構存款證明或最近一個月內帳戶流水單每筆交易金額須超過五萬元(須蓋有銀行或金融機構章戳)。存款證明為必須存達1個月以上。(金額存入日要申請辦正當日前一個月存日)
    2. 大陸銀行或或金融機構開立核發金卡等級以上信用卡,(如金卡(Gold)、白金卡(Platinum)、無限卡(Infinite)之證明文件,或信用卡(正反面;信用卡背面需簽上客人親筆簽名)彩色掃瞄電子檔。
    3. 年工資所得相當新台幣五十萬以上 (建議人民幣十三萬以上) 之薪資所得證明。
      • 最近三年內曾附財力證明申請來台自由行,停留台灣期間沒有違規或不法情事,再次申請來台自由行時,可免再附相關財力證明。(需無不良紀錄者)
    4. 學生證影本
      • 申請人為十八歲以上學生,需附學生證影本或在學證明正本,未滿二十歲者另需加附直系血親親屬同意書,未滿二十歲需加附父母同意書。
    • 申請資料:
      1. 申請書
      2. 白色背景正面半身彩色照片2張 (彩色掃描JPG檔案)
      3. 大陸身分證正反面影本(複印件) 及 護照影本 (彩色掃描JPG檔案)
      4. 單位在學/在職證明影本(複印件) (需蓋上大小章)
      5. 團體名冊(二人以上始需檢附)



    • 若貴賓要以『直航方式』來台,則必需拿入台證去國台辦『立項報批』及申請『大陸居民往來臺灣通行證』,各省份時間不盡相同,約一個月以上。 合計辦證時間(直航),在不補件情況下,約需要二個月的申請時程;若是以港、澳中轉來台,與會貴賓在申請好『個人多次港澳通行證後』,只需等待臺灣方面入台證下證後即可。

    Invitation Letter

    若您需要 invitation letter,請聯絡 local arrangement co-chair 劉兆樑教授。 (Email: